AI Learning - H20 Driverless AI
AI Learning - H20 Driverless AI Driverless AI: The Platform to Make Your Own AI AI and AutoML in a single platform AI to do AI Delivers insights and interpretability Customize and extend with 130+ open source recipes or your domain expertise Natural Language Processing Text data can contain critical information to inform better predictions. Driverless AI automatically converts text strings into features using powerful techniques like TFIDF, CNN, and GRU. Driverless AI now also includes state-of-the-art PyTorch BERT transformers. With advanced NLP techniques, Driverless AI can also process larger text blocks and build models using all available data and to solve business problems like sentiment analysis, document classification, and content tagging. Image Processing H2O Driverless AI delivers state-of-the-art image processing capabilities using over 30 pre-trained image transformers and models including (SE)-ResNe(X)ts, DenseNets, Mob...