AI Learning - H20 Driverless AI


AI Learning - H20 Driverless AI

Driverless AI: The Platform to Make Your Own AI

AI and AutoML in a single platform

AI to do AI

Delivers insights and interpretability

Customize and extend with 130+ open source recipes or your domain expertise

Natural Language Processing

Text data can contain critical information to inform better predictions. Driverless AI automatically converts text strings into features using powerful techniques like TFIDF, CNN, and GRU. Driverless AI now also includes state-of-the-art PyTorch BERT transformers. With advanced NLP techniques, Driverless AI can also process larger text blocks and build models using all available data and to solve business problems like sentiment analysis, document classification, and content tagging.

Image Processing

H2O Driverless AI delivers state-of-the-art image processing capabilities using over 30 pre-trained image transformers and models including (SE)-ResNe(X)ts, DenseNets, MobileNets, EffientNets, and Inceptions. Images can be processed alone or as part of larger datasets that include tabular, text, and image data on CPUs or GPUs. Deliver computer vision and visual AI projects faster with automatic testing across all the leading techniques to find the best model with H2O Driverless AI.

Time Series

H2O Driverless AI delivers superior time-series capabilities to create forecasts. Driverless AI now includes SIERD for epidemic response so that customers can add COVID-19 models to their forecasts. With Driverless AI, users can forecast any prediction time window, incorporate data from numerous predictors, handle structured character data and high-cardinality categorical variables, and handle gaps in time series data and other missing values.


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