TL; DR: Scrum Product Owner Anti-Patterns Product Backlog and Refinement Anti-Patterns You can spot many of the Product Owner anti-patterns in the PO’s backyard — the Product Backlog and its refinement: Storage for ideas: The Product Owner uses the Product Backlog as a repository of ideas and requirements. (A large Product Backlog is probably considered a sign of a “good” Scrum team: You are fully transparent, and this is proof of your usefulness to the organization. However, being “busy” does not equal value to customers and the organization. The additional noise created by the sheer number of issues may also cloud the detection of valuable items. Lastly, the Product Backlog size may have a crowding-out effect on stakeholders as they feel overwhelmed. The idea-inflated Product Backlog may impede critical communication with them as a consequence.) Part-time PO: The Product Owner is not working daily on the product backlog. (The Produc...